Can Using Too Much Moisturizer Cause Acne?

Yes, using too much moisturizer has a higher chance of causing acne. Many people use moisturizers regularly as part of their skincare routine. While moisturizer is important for keeping skin from water loss and keeping hydrated and healthy, too much can lead to acne breakouts.  

How Moisturizer Can Cause Acne

When you apply moisturizer, it creates a barrier on the skin’s surface. The presence of this barrier can result in the accumulation of dirt, oil, and bacteria, creating a potential for clogged pores and the development of acne. Additionally, some moisturizers contain ingredients that can be comedogenic, meaning they can clog pores.

Other Factors that may affect your skin while using excess moisturizer:

Signs You’re Using Too Much Moisturizer

How can you understand that you are using excess moisturizer? Here are some signs that you might be using too much moisturizer:

What to Do If You’re Using Too Much Moisturizer

Reduce the amount you apply: Start using a pea-sized amount for your face and a nickel-sized amount for your body. Adjust as needed based on your skin’s needs.

Choose a lighter moisturizer: Opt for a lotion or gel-based moisturizer instead of a cream, especially if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

Apply moisturizer only when needed: You may not need to moisturize your face or body daily, especially in humid climates.

Pay attention to your skin’s reaction: If you experience any of the signs mentioned above, reduce the moisturizer you use and see if your skin improves.

Consult a dermatologist: If you have any concerns about your skin or are unsure how much moisturizer to use, consult a dermatologist for personalized advice.

Alternatives to Moisturizer

If you find that moisturizer is causing you to break out, there are a few alternatives you can try:

Hyaluronic acid serum: Known for its moisture-attracting properties, hyaluronic acid acts as a humectant to keep skin hydrated.

Aloe vera gel: Aloe vera gel provides relief to irritated skin while delivering deep hydration.

Facial mists: Facial mists can help to refresh and hydrate the skin without clogging pores.

Additional Tips Regarding Using Moisturizer

Moisturizer isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution: For a happy, healthy glow, find a moisturizer that speaks to your skin’s unique needs!

Remember to underestimate the power of water: Drinking plenty of water hydrates from deep down, keeping your complexion healthy and supple.

Use sunscreen daily: This is the most crucial step in protecting your skin’s health and preventing premature aging.


Too much moisturizer can contribute to acne breakouts, mainly if the product contains comedogenic ingredients or excessive amounts are applied. Find the right balance and choose a suitable moisturizer for your skin type. Research suggests that moisturizers can be beneficial for acne-prone skin when used appropriately. Some physicians recommend using moisturizers as an adjunctive treatment for acne, mainly when topical benzoyl peroxide or retinoids are prescribed.

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